Are you overwhelmed by your postpartum transition?


Do you love your baby, but have moments when you yearn for your old life?


Do you sometimes wonder if you’re the only new mother struggling with this transition.


Are you overwhelmed by all the tasks required to care for your baby & your home?


Are you worried about making the right choices in caring for your baby?


Did you not feel an instant bond with your baby or are you you still struggling to bond?


Do you crave community and companionship with other mothers?

We Are On a Mission…

to break the silence about the postpartum transition.  Being pregnant and giving birth are major life events.  With so much focus on pregnancy and birth, the postpartum time period often gets overlooked.  We were surprised, overwhelmed, and challenged by the transition to motherhood and we felt drastically under-prepared.  We have had many conversations with the theme “we wish we knew.” We talk often about why this transition is so challenging and why so many mamas feel blindsided by their entrance into motherhood. There seems to be great pressure to keep up a facade that becoming a mother and caring for a newborn is pure bliss and nothing else.

Our goal is to help new mothers have the best postpartum experience possible.  We have identified 4 ways to support expecting and new mothers and, by focusing on all 4 aspects across a variety of postpartum topics, we believe we can help improve the experience of new mamas.  Our 4 aspects of postpartum preparation and support are:

  • Sharing our own stories and the stories of all mothers
  • Demystifying and normalizing the postpartum experience
  • Identifying self-care strategies
  • Explaining how to access the social support that you need

Explore More About Each Aspect

We want to hear from you!  Sharing stories helps mothers connect with each other and feel a sense of universality, which can be so comforting and empowering.  Share your postpartum story and we’ll feature it on the blog.

*New Mama Project is not intended to be a substitute for professional support if you are experiencing symptoms of a postpartum mood disorder.  We hope to encourage you to start sharing your struggles and seek mental health support if you need it.  If you think you might have symptoms of a postpartum mood disorder, please contact your care provider.