Postpartum Resources

Postpartum Wellness & Mental Health Resources

Postpartum Support International – website with lots of information, resources, and a 1-800 phone number to get information on support in your area.

Symptoms of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety from Postpartum Progress – common symptoms listed.  This is a website with information on postpartum mental health concerns and treatment options.

Steps To Wellness – Jane Honikman is the founder of Postpartum Support International and has many resources on her website for the transition into motherhood.

Life Will Never Be the Same: The Real Mom’s Postpartum Survival Guide – a book by Ann Dunnewold and Diane Sanford to help expectant and new moms  prepare for motherhood.

The Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety Workbook: Practical Skills to Help You Overcome Anxiety, Worry, Panic Attacks, Obsessions, and Compulsions –  a book by Kevin L. Gyoerkoe , Pamela Wiegartz, and Laura Miller for those experiencing postpartum anxiety.

Postpartum Dads a website with support for families and partners experiencing or supporting a mother through postpartum depression.

Doula Match – a website to help you find postpartum doulas in your area.

Free Postpartum Wellness Toolkit – a free downloadable toolkit from Taylor’s doula website to help you plan for postpartum wellness.

Resources for Physical Recovery and Body Image

Timeline of Postpartum Recovery – very detailed information on what to expect physically after baby is born.

What Women Need to Know About Post Pregnancy  – an interview with Sylvia Brown, author of Postpartum Handbook.

Fourth Trimester Bodies Project  – a blog with beautiful pictures of real moms and babies.

Plus Size Birth – a website with information on body image in general and resources for plus size moms.

Resources for Mother and Baby Nutrition

Feed Yourself Feed Your Family –  a book by La Leche League International about nutrition for lactating mothers.

Super Baby Food – a book by Ruth Yaron  to guide you when introducing solid food to your child.

Baby Led Weaning  a book by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett about an approach to introducing solids to your child.

Resources on Sleep

Safe Cosleeping Guidelines  – an online description of safe co-sleeping guidelines from Dr. James McKenna.

Sweet Sleep  – a La Leche League book that we recommend to every pregnant woman, especially those who plan to breastfeed. It is full of research-based information, validation, and down to earth ideas for accepting infant sleep habits.

Sleeping With Your Baby: A Parent’s Guide to Cosleeping – a book by James McKenna

Breastfeeding Resources

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding – a La Leche League book about all things breastfeeding

Kellymom  – a website with tons of evidence-based breastfeeding information.

Jack Newman – a website with helpful information sheets and SO MANY wonderful videos on breastfeeding – watch the videos about good drinking vs. nibbling and baby led latching.

Deep Latch Technique – a website with helpful info and video for latching – the pump station also has lots of products related to breastfeeding.

La Leche League International Mother to mother breastfeeding support in your area – this is a wonderful resource and support group.  The website can be a little difficult to navigate, but there is also great info on it.  On the website you can look up a local LLL meeting.

Find a Lactation Consultant – a website where you can find an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in your area.

Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition  – a website with nformation on medications that are safe during breastfeeding

IBreastfeeding  – Thomas Hale’s (leader in research on safety of medication use while breastfeeding) website where you can subscribe to newsletters and purchase his book

Dr. Jack Newman’s Guide to Breastfeeding – another great breastfeeding book.

Resources for Newborn Care

Ask Dr. Sears – a website with lots of info and tips on baby care from and attachment parenting perspective

Mothering a natural parenting website with lots of forums

The Baby Book – Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two – a book by William Sears, Martha Sears, Robert Sears, and James Sears on comprehensive baby care

Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn – a book by Penny Simkin, April Bolding, Ann Keppler, Janelle Durham, and Janet Whaley