Are you struggling with your postpartum adjustment?
5 Ways to Fit Self-Care into Your Postpartum Days

5 Ways to Fit Self-Care into Your Postpartum Days

What comes to mind when you think of self-care? The term is a trendy one these days, especially in the world of motherhood. When I used to hear “self-care”, I would think of hour-long massages, relaxing on a pristine beach, and candlelit baths. While these things are nice, and certainly nothing to scoff it, this image of self-care is often overwhelming to the postpartum mom because it feels unattainable.

On Postpartum Isolation

On Postpartum Isolation

It was mid-afternoon and, as I stood in front of my television bouncing my very fussy 4-week-old baby, I wished that I could escape. He had been crying on and off (mostly on) since early that morning, and it seemed that I couldn’t figure out any way to soothe him or help him get some good sleep.

I Wish I Had Told my Birth Story Sooner

I Wish I Had Told my Birth Story Sooner

My first child was born via cesarean. I had a bit of time to prepare for this, as he was breech and I knew that if he didn’t turn head down, I’d be having a cesarean. (I couldn’t find a provider who would attend a breech birth). However, this was not what I wanted. And I was still relatively unprepared for what the experience would be like during and immediately after the birth.

Surviving the Holidays with a New Baby

Surviving the Holidays with a New Baby

The holiday season is upon us.  What has been a joyful, festive time in the past can suddenly feel overwhelming and exhausting for many parents with a new baby.  When my first son was 5 months old, I made a big mistake.  I decided to host Thanksgiving, for both my...