10 Ways I Actually Enjoyed the Postpartum Period…a Little…I Think…

10 Ways I Actually Enjoyed the Postpartum Period…a Little…I Think…

Here’s a truth: I sometimes feel guilty or inadequate when I see other moms enjoying the postpartum period. When I think back on the early days of parenthood it seems like the most difficult time of my life.  I felt like every day was a reckoning of my worth as a person, and that I continually came up short.  Knowing that other mamas have had stressful postpartum experiences helps me go a little easier on myself, but I often wish I could get a do over.

Welcome Royal Baby Charlotte, and Her Heiness Doesn’t Invalidate My Postpartum Experience

Welcome Royal Baby Charlotte, and Her Heiness Doesn’t Invalidate My Postpartum Experience

As most of you know the British royal baby Charlotte was born a couple of weeks ago. There was tons of media coverage, most of which I was blissfully oblivious to, but I did see one article by Amber Robinson over at Essential Baby.  It is all about how Kate Middleton’s natural birth allowed her to leave the hospital 10 hours after her baby was born looking fabulous and pain free.  By all accounts it was a pretty innocuous article, but it did leave me with a little bit of uneasiness.

I Had a Baby and Now I Miss My Husband

I Had a Baby and Now I Miss My Husband

I have a still frame in my mind from a couple of weeks after my first baby was born. I was walking to the kitchen, bouncing my fussing son, my back to the television that my husband was watching. I looked at my husband, thinking sadly, “I miss him.” I wasn’t sure how I could miss my husband so much, considering he had been right by my side since the moment our son was born.

What No One Tells You About Motherhood: It’s the Ultimate Career Change

What No One Tells You About Motherhood: It’s the Ultimate Career Change

When I was about 16 I got a job at the local pizzeria.  I was really excited for the job and eager to earn some extra cash.  It only took a few shifts, though, for me to start dreading work.  I never learned the menu very well – all the Italian dishes beyond pizza were completely foreign to me.  I also didn’t have any supervision after a few training shifts.

Why I Admitted I Don’t Like Motherhood

Why I Admitted I Don’t Like Motherhood

This is a blog post I wrote when my baby was about 8 months old.  You would think I had gotten the hang of things by that point and adjusted to my new role, but I was still struggling mightily. I haven’t shared this until now in part because of the shame and fear I have about admitting this truth.  It is EXACTLY one year since I originally wrote this, and I still have many moments where I’m not sure I like this new role.

How To Know If You Have a Good Baby

How To Know If You Have a Good Baby

Hey new mamas, raise your hand if you’ve ever been asked this question: “Is he a good baby?” Since you can’t see me over here behind my computer screen, I’ll tell you that my hand is raised high in the air. I have to believe that these questions and comments come from a place of kindness and an attempt to engage in meaningful conversation. However, questions like, “Is he a good baby” were enough to send me down into a deep, dark hole where I didn’t have to talk to or see anybody when my first child was a baby