Expecting a baby between now and October 2016?
Are you unsure what to expect from motherhood?
Do you hope to transition peacefully to motherhood?
Do you have a birth plan, but no postpartum plan?
Are you excited about welcoming your baby, but apprehensive about how your life is going to change?
Have you been given tons of unsolicited or conflicting advice about caring for your baby?
Do you want ideas to help you get the postpartum support you need?

We Are On a Mission…
to break the silence about the postpartum transition. Being pregnant and giving birth are major life events. With so much focus on pregnancy and birth, the postpartum time period often gets overlooked. We were surprised, overwhelmed, and challenged by the transition to motherhood and we felt drastically under-prepared. We have had many conversations with the theme “we wish we knew.” We talk often about why this transition is so challenging and why so many mamas feel blindsided by their entrance into motherhood. There seems to be great pressure to keep up a facade that becoming a mother and caring for a newborn is pure bliss and nothing else.
Our goal is to help new mothers have the best postpartum experience possible. We have identified 4 ways to support expecting and new mothers and, by focusing on all 4 aspects across a variety of postpartum topics, we believe we can help improve the experience of new mamas. Our 4 aspects of postpartum preparation and support are:
- Sharing our own stories and the stories of all mothers
- Demystifying and normalizing the postpartum experience
- Identifying self-care strategies
- Explaining how to access the social support that you need
Explore More About Each Aspect
Posts on Postpartum Planning for Pregnant Mamas
Postpartum Preparation: 5 Must-Haves for Mom
When you think about what’s needed when baby arrives, do you think of your own needs? Or do you find yourself mostly planning for the essential baby items? When I was pregnant with my first, I barely thought about what I would need in those days after he was born.
Tina Fey’s Rules of Improv are Awesome Postpartum Advice
I had a long drive by myself last week and I took advantage of the opportunity to listen to a book on tape, uninterrupted by a baby demanding my attention. Isn’t it amazing how 7 hours in the car suddenly sounds luxurious when you get to do it alone? It was actually a pretty enjoyable trip, due in large part to the entertainment. I’ve been wanting to read Bossy Pants by Tina Fey for a while, and finally got a copy of the audio book for my drive. If you haven’t read or listened to this book I highly recommend it. It’s hilarious, witty, and sometimes even illuminating. What made me think about my work with NMP was Tina’s discussion of the rules of improv.
Essentials for Postpartum Care
There are plenty of places to get lists of all the baby gear you need to take care of a newborn. Whether you want it or not, you will probably be inundated with more onesies, blankets, and baby socks than you could ever imagine using. What people think about less, though, is what a new mom needs to take care of herself after birth. Many expectant moms overlook what they will need to recover.
*New Mama Project is not intended to be a substitute for professional support if you are experiencing symptoms of a postpartum mood disorder. We hope to encourage you to start sharing your struggles and seek mental health support if you need it. If you think you might have symptoms of a postpartum mood disorder, please contact your care provider.