Share your Postpartum Story

Dear Mamas,
We’ve heard over and over again from moms that they love hearing about the postpartum experiences of other moms. We think that hearing others’ stories gives mothers a sense of universality, or the idea that what they’re experiencing is a shared, universal experience. And there is so much comfort to be found in those shared experiences. We share a lot about ourselves on this site in order to help new mamas like you know you’re not alone. But our stories are just a drop in the bucket. We want to hear and share your stories. You can be a mama who has moved on past your postpartum days or you can be living your story right now!  Feel free to share from wherever you are.  We want this to be a place where you can find that sense of universality, comfort, and hope. If you’d like to share your story, we’ll feature it on the blog. We’re sure that another mother out there will find comfort in your words, and we bet you might even enjoy the process of discovery and reflection as you write your own story. Please fill out the form below and be sure to check out the guidelines too! Thank you so much for sharing!
All love,
Taylor and Fiona

    Your Name (required)

    I would prefer to (required)
    Have my name sharedRemain anonymous

    Age(s) of your Child(ren) and names if you'd like

    Your Email (required)

    Your Story (required)

    A title for your story, if you'd like

    If you're shared your story elsewhere and wan't the URL included, add it below

    Upload Photo(s) Here

    Anything else you'd like to tell us or any questions?

    Story Guidelines

    Your story can be about anything related to your postpartum experience (from birth until your child is about 12 months). It can be about something specific that happened or that you’re reflecting on, or it can be about that time period in general.

    Your story can be about challenges you faced or something positive that happened. It can be full of sorrow or happiness and anything in between.

    We would love if you could submit 1-3 photos with your story (as long as you have permission to use them). If you don’t have any or would prefer not to share pictures, that’s OK too.

    Please understand that we might edit your story, just for basic structure and formatting. We’ll send our edited version back to you for approval before posting it.

    By submitting your story, you give us permission to share it on the blog.